Monday, August 18, 2014

What Dictates Your Bow?

What does the phrase "dictate your bow" mean?

I heard this term for the first time at the Emerging Sound and it struck me pretty hard.
It is basically asking "what is it that makes you tick?" "what is determining your current outlook on life?"

It could be anything:
Bad relationship, money/debt, loss, temptation, name it...

It can also come from good things:
Better paying job, good marriage/relationship, well-mannered children, perfect life...

What dictates your bow, is anything that makes you see God as irrelevant and not needed, or something that causes you to bow to fear and sorrow and eventually depression.

We all have had trials in life.
We all will go through some form of depression, whether prolonged or just a brief feeling of doubt.
We all have days that we feel useless and worthless and without purpose.
We all have situations that shake us to the core and make us question certain things.

But, if we let these current situations control us, we are bowing to fear, which is the equivalent of bowing to Satan. He wants us to see the situations of life as unbearable and irrecoverable. THAT'S HIS WHOLE GOAL IN LIFE! He is constantly trying to use things of this life to change your perspective of God and life.

Are You Bowing To Your Situation? Is it controlling the way you view life?


God uses every hard time and every good time for His glory.
Our eternal perspective is the only thing that truly matters in the end.

The only thing that we should let dictate our bow is Jesus. If we view everything from a bow to Christ then the trials and depressions and losses and sicknesses and temptations look petty and irrelevant in light of eternity with Christ.

I'm not saying ignore the losses and trials. What I am saying, is don't let Satan convince you to bow to fear just because it is the easier way out.

Stay strong and let eternity dictate your bow.

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