Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Emerging Sound 2014 - My trip to Texas!

Emerging Sound 2014

Many of you have been asking me how my trip to Texas was. My fallback answer is, "Awesome! It was a lot of driving, but well worth it." I have answered this particular question with the same answer about a dozen times now. The reason I answer it this way, is because I am physically and emotionally exhausted. This past week was so jam packed with writing, worship, fellowship with other teens, and little to-no-sleep. But, even though I am ridiculously tired, this was the best week of my life and I wouldn't trade it for anything.  For those who have no idea what I'm talking about I'll explain it from the beginning...

Last week I got in a navy blue Pontiac minivan with two other guys (Luke Cyrus and Micah DeMass) and drove to Nashville and from Nashville to Waxahachie, Texas.  The reason for our trip was to attend the Emerging Sound Worship Intensive for Creative Teens camp.

I went to this camp with the thought that I would be learning how to write songs properly. I had no expectations whatsoever. I was glad I didn't have any expectations because this camp would have blown them out of the water.

Never in my 17 years on this earth have I experienced the presence of God so drastically. I was in total awe of Him as we sang and worshipped during the general sessions. I took so many notes and wrote so many random things I heard down. I am on information overload. I need a few weeks to read through it all and rest my head, but I can't wait to start sharing some of the knowledge I learned with my friends and family and church and youth group.

I also had the privilege to write a song with Luke Cyrus, Melanie Tierce, Steve Musso, Jordan, Sarah, Dylan, Chloe, Shakira...not the one you think, Caleb, Analee, Josh, Stephanie, and Nicole. It is titled "Touched By A Fire" and I am really glad we wrote it. We had a bit of trouble with the lyrics coming together but thanks to the help of Randall Bane and Benji Cowart the song came together into something the church needs to hear.

It is being recorded and put on the Emerging Sound album that will come out in a few months. Can't wait for everyone to hear it.

I am in post camp deprivation and I can't wait to go back next year. I will post more about actual things I learned at Emerging Sound in the upcoming posts.

Thanks for reading

Ben Calhoun

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing Ben! I like hearing about what is on your mind and in your heart! And I get excited about God stirring His people up to worship Him more fully! Seek Him. Read His Word. He will not hide from you....how great are the unfathomably riches of His love.
