Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Business Busyness

Many of you know that I am taking a year off between High School and College. For those of you who didn't know that...I am taking a year off between High School and College. There, now everyone know...except for the people that don't read my blog.

There are a few reasons for this choice.
1. I need to save money for classes, because I don't want thousands of dollars of student debt right out of College.

2. I learn hands on better than I do in a classroom, so having multiple jobs allows me to learn different skills in the workplace before entering into college.

3. I graduated at 17 years old and don't need to go straight to college. I can sit and think about my future instead of blowing money on classes that I potentially will never use. (that came off really isn't that bad, but it kind of is)

If you have questions about this, feel free to comment below.

Generally, when people hear that I am taking a year off, they assume that I stay at home and do nothing with my life. They may even picture me in a basement somewhere eating potato chips and watching Netflix for hours on end. That is true of some people who don't go to college, but 100% untrue when it comes to me.

I am a do-er. I don't like to watch TV for 6 hours at a time. Don't get me wrong, I like watching TV, but not for THAT long.

When I say I work full-time, I mean it.

I currently hold two real jobs and one side job.

In the mornings I work 8-10(sometimes 11) at the farm that I worked at since January. It is great experience having an outside job, where I can get dirty and work hard.

I then come home from that job and take a shower, put on a suit, and go to work at a bank. I started yesterday. It is completely opposite of my farm job. I talk to customers on the phone, email people, and overall, sell bank owned properties. It is a great job, and I am not just saying that. Yes, today is my second day, but I can already tell I am going to love it.

My side job consists of performing at various nursing homes and retirement centers throughout the month. I currently have an average of five nursing homes that I go to every month and I absolutely love it. It is the perfect little side job income and great performing/entertaining experience.

So overall, I a can proudly say, I am working full time making the most of not attending college this fall.

Please subscribe to my blog and make sure to comment below. Thanks Guys


1 comment:

  1. Sounds like very wise decision making. Eighteen to twenty-one is a time to grow and learn more about who you are and who you want to become. Twenty-one to twenty-four is another growth time. You want to prepare yourself for a career that you enjoy doing and that is the right fit for you! Look forward to hearing more!
